Room 12

Room 12

Thursday, 9 March 2017

Term 1, Week 6 Visual Art: Name Monsters

For the name monsters, we first folded a piece of a coloured paper and folded in half. Then we wrote our names in pencil in block letters and cut the letters out. When we unfolded the paper our name became the monster! Then we cut it out where the pencil line was. Then when it became a monster we upgraded it with drawings on it like a creepy eyeball and a blood dripping mouth and it turned out like a real monster. It was a great experience making a monster out of our names. Here are a few examples. These are Matilda and Nuzhin's.

- The Visual Art Team (Aryaan, Jessica & Matilda)

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Term 1, Week 6: Welcome, Mrs Smith!

On Monday assembly, we welcomed Mrs Smith our new UHPS principal. During the assembly… we sang Utaina and Te aroha. We gave her flowers and said that we all welcome her to our new school. When we went outside… we sang nga iwi e and we planted a tree for her to show that she is a family of UHPS now.

Due to rainy weather, we did not get to do much sport this week. So instead, the Sports Team (Aidan, Sophie H & Bre) went to interview Mrs Smith and asked her questions about herself and her first week.

- The Special Event and Sport Teams (Helen, Angelina, Aasmi, Aidan, Sophie H & Bre)

Term 1, Week 6 Maths: Statistics


Recently in Room 12, we have been learning about graphs. Last week we learnt to draw bar graphs and this week we practiced drawing line graphs.

We also got together in groups and decided on a question we would like to find about our class e.g. what is our favourite animal?


We went around the classroom with a tally sheet and recorded the answers. Then we drew a graph using the answers.

- The Maths Team

(Sophie S, Sienna & Judd)

Term 1, Week 6 Inquiry: School Vision Logo

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Our school vision is Connect, Climb, Create. We made a school logo of this. This is from Matilda and Jessica. Our school is a heart to all other things in the world and what opens is a journey to a life! And that's what we think our school is supposed to be like so we made these so we want you all students out there to learn what we are learning.

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This connect climb create logo was created by Ava and Sophie S.

We all wanted to make the school a place of great learning so that's why we put these logos on here!

- The Inquiry Team (Ben, Jamie & Tina)

Friday, 3 March 2017

Week 5, Term 1 Reading Rotation

Image result for harry potter clipartThis week we started ur Reading rotation with Room 11 (with Miss Davis). We have 6 Reading Groups in total including: Harry, Ron, Hermione, Hagrid, Voldemort, and Dumbledore. Computers
What we had to do on the computer was go on kiwi kids news and find an article that we wanted to learn about and write the main points e.g., scientists are bringing mammoths back to life.
Working with teachers This week when we were with the teachers, we learnt to recall the main points of the story just like the computers but with a book.

- The Reading Team (Ryan, Sam & Nuzhin)

Week 5, Term 1 Swimming Sports


On the event, there were freestyle, backstroke, breaststroke, medley and other fun races.In the swimming races, students compete in the different strokes.
Competitive Races

Students who had the quickest time, they got to compete in the finals.
In our classroom, 8 people won a place in the finals!!!!

Fun Races Face races started after every single strokes ended.
Students could choose if they wanted to join or not. It was fun like Hat race, noodle race etc.

- The Special Events Team (Angelina, Helen & Aasmi)

Thursday, 2 March 2017

Week 4, Term 1: Family Wheels Day

Bike day 6.jpegOn Saturday last week, the bike track at our school was opened for the very first time. It was really busy. There were ramps, hills and heaps of jumps. It was awesome! We loved that there were prizes and there was even a track for the scooters and skateboards. It was the best day of our lives!

- The Sports Team (Aidan, Bre, Sophie H)

Week 5, Term 1 Visual Art: Pop-art portrait

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Last week we learnt to draw pop art. The first thing we did was we got a photo of ourselves. Then we used a pencil to shade the back of the photo and then taped it on a big, white piece of A3 paper. Then we traced around our faces and tops using a sharp pencil. Then we un-taped our photos off the A3 paper and we used only the primary colours (red, yellow, and blue) to colour our faces and then we chose one word that describes us and put it above our portrait. Here are pop-art portraits by Scarlett and Nuzhin.

- The Visual Art Team (Aryaan, Jessica, Matilda)

Week 5, Term 1 Writing: Simple, compound and complex sentences

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A few days ago we were learning to understand the differences between simple, compound and complex sentences. For example, "we have to go to bed when the clock chimes at ten o'clock" - this is a complex sentence. A simple sentence has one independent clause, and a complex sentence has one independent clause and one or more dependent clauses. A compound sentence has two independent clauses e.g. I was too busy to play SO he went outside without me. So is the conjunction that joins two independent clauses. A simple sentence has one independent clause with one or more nouns and one or more verbs.

- The Writing Team (Scarlett, Sophie L & Georgia)