Room 12

Room 12

Thursday, 9 March 2017

Term 1, Week 6 Visual Art: Name Monsters

For the name monsters, we first folded a piece of a coloured paper and folded in half. Then we wrote our names in pencil in block letters and cut the letters out. When we unfolded the paper our name became the monster! Then we cut it out where the pencil line was. Then when it became a monster we upgraded it with drawings on it like a creepy eyeball and a blood dripping mouth and it turned out like a real monster. It was a great experience making a monster out of our names. Here are a few examples. These are Matilda and Nuzhin's.

- The Visual Art Team (Aryaan, Jessica & Matilda)

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  1. Thank you for sharing your cool learning! You have done a lot in the first six weeks. From Matilda and Mrs Smith

  2. Hi there Room 12
    Your patterns are looking very mathematical ... and I love your team name.
    Miss B Room 18

  3. Hi there,your monsters looked scary and confusing it has cool patterns on it.Thats some creative work you have,we would like to do thatsome time.sophia and 18

  4. Cool 😎 artwork! The patterns on Tilly and Nuzhin are very unique and they look awesome!¡!¡!¡ Please put on other thing that you are doing in your class, everyone will love ❤️ to see your work.
    -Hannah room 15 😄
